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Super Strikers | 06/25/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Betti Stradling Park |
Sportsman - Bye | 06/25/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman - Bye | |
Diamond | 06/25/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Miramar Masters | 06/25/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Margate Middle School |
MK Warriors | 06/25/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Turtle Run Park |
Independence Day | 07/02/2023 | 12:30 | Independence Day | |
Lucky City | 07/09/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Turtle Run Park |
Margate Raiders | 07/09/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Margate Middle School |
Sportsman | 07/09/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Lake Stevens School |
MK Warriors - Bye | 07/09/2023 | 12:30 | MK - Warriors - Bye | |
Miramar Masters | 07/09/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Betti Stradling Park |
Sportsman | 07/16/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Lake Stevens School |
MK Warriors | 07/16/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Turtle Run Park |
Super Strikers | 07/16/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Margate Middle School |
Guyana Masters | 07/16/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Carter Park |
Coral Springs Jaguars - Bye | 07/16/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars - Bye | |
Guyana Masters | 07/23/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Carter Park |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 07/23/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Betti Stradling Park |
Margate Raiders | 07/23/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Margate Middle School |
Lucky City | 07/23/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Turtle Run Park |
Miramar Masters - Bye | 07/23/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters - Bye | |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 07/30/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Betti Stradling Park |
Super Strikers | 07/30/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Margate Middle School |
Diamond | 07/30/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Lucky City | 07/30/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Turtle Run Park |
Margate Raiders - Bye | 07/30/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders - Bye | |
Sportsman | 08/06/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Lake Stevens School |
Diamond | 08/06/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Miramar Masters | 08/06/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | TBA |
Guyana Masters - Bye | 08/06/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters - Bye | |
Margate Raiders | 08/06/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Margate Middle School |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 08/13/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Betti Stradling Park |
Lucky City m- Bye | 08/13/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City - Bye | |
Guyana Masters | 08/13/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Carter Park |
MK Warriors | 08/13/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Turtle Run Park |
Margate Raiders | 08/13/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Margate Middle School |
MK Warriors | 08/20/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Turtle Run Park |
Diamond - Bye | 08/20/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond - Bye | |
Sportsman | 08/20/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Lake Stevens School |
Guyana Masters | 08/20/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Carter Park |
Super Strikers | 08/20/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Margate Middle School |
Diamond | 08/27/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 08/27/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Betti Stradling Park |
Lucky City | 08/27/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Turtle Run Park |
Miramar Masters | 08/27/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | TBA |
Super Strikers - Bye | 08/27/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers - Bye | |
Labor Day | 09/03/2023 | 12:30 | Labor Day | |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 09/10/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Betti Stradling Park |
Guyana Masters | 09/10/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Carter Park |
Diamond - Bye | 09/10/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond - Bye | |
Lucky City | 09/10/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Turtle Run Park |
Margate Raiders | 09/10/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Margate Middle School |
Super Strikers | 09/17/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Margate Middle School |
Guyana Masters | 09/17/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Carter Park |
MK Warriors - Bye | 09/17/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors - Bye | |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 09/17/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Betti Stradling Park |
Diamond | 09/17/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Diamond | 09/24/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Margate Raiders | 09/24/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Margate Middle School |
Coral Springs Jaguars - Bye | 09/24/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars - Bye | |
Lucky City | 09/24/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Turtle Run park |
Miramar Masters | 09/24/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | TBA |
Super Strikers | 10/01/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Margate Middle School |
Miramar Masters - Bye | 10/01/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters - Bye | |
MK Warriors | 10/01/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Turtle Run Park |
Sportsman | 10/01/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Lake Stevens School |
Diamond | 10/01/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Carnival Weekend | 10/08/2023 | 12:30 | Carnival Weekend | |
Margate Raiders - Bye | 10/15/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders - Bye | |
Miramar Masters | 10/15/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | TBA |
Guyana Masters | 10/15/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Carter Park |
Sportsman | 10/15/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Lake Stevens School |
MK Warriors | 10/15/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Turtle Run Park |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 10/22/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Betti Stradling Park |
Super Strikers | 10/22/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Margate Middle School |
Guyana Masters - Bye | 10/22/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters - Bye | |
MK Warriors | 10/22/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman | Turtle Run Park |
Lucky City | 10/22/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Carter Park |
Sportsman | 10/29/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | Lake Stevens School |
Miramar Masters | 10/29/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | TBA |
Lucky City - Bye | 10/29/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City - Bye | |
Super Strikers | 10/29/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Margate Middle School |
Diamond | 10/29/2023 | 12:30 | Margate Raiders | Lindsey Ewing Park |
Lucky City | 11/05/2023 | 12:30 | MK Warriors | Turtle Run Park |
Miramar Masters | 11/05/2023 | 12:30 | Guyana Masters | TBA |
Margate Raiders | 11/05/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers | Margate Middle School |
Coral Springs Jaguars | 11/05/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Betti Stradling Park |
Sportsman - Bye | 11/05/2023 | 12:30 | Sportsman - Bye | |
Diwali | 11/12/2023 | 12:30 | Diwali | |
Sportsman | 11/19/2023 | 12:30 | Miramar Masters | Lake Stevens School |
Margate Raiders | 11/19/2023 | 12:30 | Lucky City | Margate Middle School |
Super Strikers - Bye | 11/19/2023 | 12:30 | Super Strikers - Bye | |
MK Warriors | 11/19/2023 | 12:30 | Diamond | Turtle Run Park |
Guyana Masters | 11/19/2023 | 12:30 | Coral Springs Jaguars | Carter Park |
#4 Margate Raiders - Qtr Final | 12/03/2023 | 12:30 | #5 Miramar Masters - Qtr Final | Margate Middle School |
#3 Guyana Masters - Qtr Final | 12/03/2023 | 12:30 | #6 Sportsman - Qtr Final | Carter Park |
MK Warriors - Semi Final | 12/10/2023 | 12:30 | Lowest Ranked from Qtr Final | Turtle Run Park |
Coral Springs Jaguars - Semi Final | 12/10/2023 | 12:30 | Highest Ranked from Qtr Final | Betti Stradling Park |
Winner of Semin Final - Final | 12/17/2023 | 12:30 | Winner of Semi Final - Final | Turtle Run Park |
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